The Brutal Execution of György Dózsa

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It is no doubt that history has had to bear witness to some unimaginably brutal executions, and the execution of György Dózsa is certainly no exception. Specific triggers include extreme torture and death.

György Dózsa (1470-1514) was recruited to lead a new crusade to go and battle Muslim opponents under the reign of King Vladislaus II of Hungary. This, however, took a huge turn when Dózsa and the large army of peasants that he recruited begun a revolt against the nobility themselves that had repressed them. His ultimate goal was to one day become their King.

This did not go ideally for him. The revolt was suppressed and over 70,000 peasants were tortured (1). The fate of Dózsa himself is a truly sickening stain on the history books.

As mockery of his ambition to become King, Dózsa was forced to sit upon a burning metal thrown with a scalding crown upon his head. A line of starving rebels were marched towards him, led by his brother. Despite  Dózsa pleading for the life of his brother, he was cut down in front of him. Then, and this is where it gets particularly gruesome, hot pliers were plunged into Dózsa’s flesh. The remaining rebels were ordered to bite spots where the hot pliers had been inserted and to swallow the flesh. The three or four who refused were simply cut up, prompting the others to comply. In the end, Dózsa died from the ordeal, while the rebels who obeyed were released and left alone (2).

Various landmarks marking Dózsa’s legacy can still be viewed in Hungary today. This was a death that humanity are unlikely forget!


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